January 26, 2022
FarmTogether’s Operations Have Been Certified As In Conformance With The Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard.

FarmTogether today announced its agricultural operations have been certified as in conformance with the Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard. Leading Harvest’s Farmland Management Standard is an innovative nonprofit organization and industry leader in sustainability, which was created by and for all stakeholders across the agricultural value chain.
The certification of FarmTogether’s operations, spanning nearly 40 properties across six states and 13 crops, was conducted by an independent auditor, Averum, and completed in December. FarmTogether was required to demonstrate compliance with 13 farmland sustainability practices, including economic, environmental, social and governance issues and includes measures to efficiently use water, agricultural chemicals and energy to grow crops for useful agricultural products; minimize waste; and conserve soils, water resources and biodiversity. Conformance to the Leading Harvest Standard requires awareness and appropriate use of regional agricultural best management practices to advance sustainable agriculture.
“From our first meeting, FarmTogether’s entire team was enthusiastic and focused on achieving a successful certification,” said Matt Armstrong, Lead Auditor for FarmTogether’s properties. “FarmTogether proves that even growing groups can integrate the Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard extremely well.”
FarmTogether recognizes the growing importance of agriculture and its impact on the environment. This certification will help enable both operators and investors to better maximize yields through sustainably reinforced land, while helping to positively impact the planet and future food supply.
“As the world grapples with a rapidly growing population, at the same time that our changing climate is threatening our natural resources, the farms of the future will need to produce up to 70% more food while using less land than before,” said David Chan, FarmTogether COO. “There’s one clear solution: sustainable farmland management. Working hand-in-hand with our investors and our farmers, FarmTogether has committed to being effective stewards of the land for decades to come.”
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