
January 05, 2021

FarmTogether Enrolls in Leading Harvest's Farmland Management Standard

by Sara Wensley

Director, Growth and Marketing

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FarmTogether Enrolls in Leading Harvest's Farmland Management Standard
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FarmTogether enrolls in the Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard.

FarmTogether embraces new standards in agriculture by implementing a sustainable farmland management policy across its operations.

FarmTogether today announced that it has enrolled in the Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard, an innovative nonprofit organization and industry leader in sustainability, which was created by and for all stakeholders across the agricultural value chain. FarmTogether’s commitment to Leading Harvest advances its efforts to prioritize long-term stewardship for both its investors and future generations.

The Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard identifies sustainable farming practices including economic, environmental, social and governance issues and includes measures to efficiently use water, agricultural chemicals and energy to grow crops for useful agricultural products; minimize waste; and conserve soils, water resources and biodiversity. It also takes into consideration the well-being of farmland tenants, employees, contract management company employees, contract farm labor and local communities. Conformance to the Leading Harvest Standard requires awareness and appropriate use of regional agricultural best management practices to advance sustainable agriculture.

FarmTogether recognizes the enormous potential of sustainable farmland management practices. After years of careful consideration, research, and broad stakeholder engagement, Leading Harvest has created a standard that encapsulates the breadth and depth of measurable sustainable farmland management practices. We are excited to partner with a thought leader like Leading Harvest to advance the adoption of sustainable agriculture.” - David Chan, COO & Founding Team, FarmTogether

With the global population expected to hit an all-time peak of 9.7 billion by 2050, farmers are experiencing stark increases in the demand for food. With limited arable land and the progression of climate change threatening the traditional supply of natural resources, the challenge to feed a growing population is exacerbated. However, research shows that through effective farmland management, and by utilizing sustainable approaches and regenerative farming, farm operations could double or triple their yields without clearing additional acreage.

“Leading Harvest provides programs that offer a more rational, credible, and scalable approach to sustainability assurance and verification. We are thrilled to partner with organizations, like FarmTogether, that are at the leading edge of agricultural sustainability and represent new models for the future of the industry. FarmTogether’s commitment to technology-enabled investing that creates financial returns through sustainable management demonstrates that economic, social, and environmental outcomes go hand-in-hand.” - Kenny Fahey, Executive Director, Leading Harvest.
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Disclaimer: FarmTogether is not a registered broker-dealer, investment advisor or investment manager. FarmTogether does not provide tax, legal or investment advice. This material has been prepared for informational and educational purposes only. You should consult your own tax, legal and investment advisors before engaging in any transaction.

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