
FarmTogether: Expert Team, High-Quality Assets

FarmTogether investors enjoy unparalleled access to high-quality farmland opportunities while simultaneously providing the key financial building blocks for a sustainable future.

    FarmTogether is proud to be a Professional Member of NCREIF. NCREIF is the leading provider of investment performance indices and transparent data for US commercial properties. The NCREIF farmland index is the definitive index for the farmland market.

    Leading Harvest

    FarmTogether is a member of Leading Harvest, an innovative nonprofit organization and industry leader in sustainability. FarmTogether’s agricultural operations have been certified as in conformance with the Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard. Please see our Certification Documents.

    FarmTogether, As Seen On

    Why Investors Choose Us

    Whether you’re looking to diversify your assets, hedge against inflation, generate income, or grow your overall portfolio value, FarmTogether offers a variety of options to add high-quality farmland to your portfolio.

    • Superior Deals
      We target opportunities which typically yield 6-13% returns with 2-9% cash yields - all net of fees.
    • Diverse Range Of Offerings
      We specialize in both row crops and permanent crops, with properties across the U.S.
    • All-In-One Platform
      A single portal to browse investments, review due diligence materials, and sign legal documents.
    • Unparalleled Access
      Access via: Crowdfunded Offerings, Sustainable Farmland Fund, Sole Ownership, Tenancy in Common.
    • Institutional Experience
      Investment experience at some of the largest and most innovative institutional funds in the world.
    • Long-Term Impact
      Investments fund the technological innovation needed to sustain future generations’ food supply.
    • Best-In-Class Operators
      Portfolio built around partnerships with best-in-class operators for each of the crops we focus on.
    • Expert Advisory Board
      Decades of experience bridging Agribusiness, Technology, Finance, Real Estate, and Agriculture.

    Investment Process

    Less than 1% of deals that enter our pipeline are eventually offered on our platform.

    • Global Macro-View
      We take into account climate change, water availability, structural regional trends, regulatory landscapes, and long-term trends in improvement in agricultural yields.
    • End Market Analysis
      We dive deep into the end markets for the farm products we target to determine how long-term trends in the industry may influence end prices.
    • Property Analysis
      We incorporate 150 data sets from public, private and proprietary data sources when analyzing properties. We also apply our proprietary technology to zero in on high-quality off-market opportunities.
    • Due Diligence
      Our 105-point due diligence checklist includes soil, leaf, water, capital improvements, title, local legislation, depth of the supporting farming ecosystem, cost of inputs, farmworker wages, and more.

    High-Quality Farmland Investment Opportunities

    Our data-driven, tech-enabled sourcing and thorough due diligence allow us to offer investors access to a diverse range of high-quality farmland investment opportunities, both in permanent crops and row crops, across the United States.

    Visit How We Invest
    Artem Milinchuk photo

    “As we navigate a particularly turbulent macro environment in 2022, we have seen US Farmland perform well during this period, even outperforming other real assets. We are living through a period that demonstrates just how resilient and attractive farmland can be.“

    Artem Milinchuk photo

    Artem Milinchuk

    Founder & Head of Strategy, FarmTogether

    See Leadership
    Field photo

    Our Daybreak Organic Pear and Apple Orchard in Chelan County, WA.

    Past Offerings

    These deals are full and not accepting new investments, but provide an example of the farms our firm has funded on our platform in the past2.

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