
Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs)

Privately managed portfolio of high-quality farmland with flexible and customizable investment mandates.

FarmTogether SMAs

  • Tailored farmland investments across range of yield- and growth-oriented mandates.

  • Single-asset opportunities and multi-asset portfolios.

  • Legal, tax, and capital structure developed with investor input.

  • Investment minimum starts at $10M for single-asset opportunities and $20M for multi-asset portfolios.

  • A historically uncorrelated, low volatility asset with meaningful positive long-term impact.

Diversified Pipeline for Institutional Portfolios

We are able to provide investors with access to a diversified portfolio of farmland across a variety of metrics. Our firm is focused on ensuring the portfolio is comprised of high-quality farmland that has been vetted by rigorous due diligence and is managed by a seasoned investment team with experience at some of the largest and most innovative institutional funds.

FarmTogether’s pipeline is currently valued at ~2.6B1 as of July 2024.

Commodity Pipeline2
  • Tree Nuts ~40%
  • Citrus ~20%
  • Tree Fruit ~15%
  • Row Crops ~15%
  • Stone Fruit ~5%
  • Vineyard ~5%
Acreage Pipeline3
  • 50-200 ~20%
  • 200-500 ~45%
  • 500-750 ~10%
  • 750-1000 ~10%
  • 1000-5000 ~10%
  • >5000 ~5%

Why FarmTogether Managed Accounts?

  • Experience

    Expert team with deep industry roots and decades of experience demonstrated by $2.1B+ of capital deployed4 into farmland/agriculture.

  • Quality

    We don’t compromise on quality; less than 1% of the deals that enter our pipeline are eventually offered to investors.

  • Performance

    We’re delivering portfolio performance across multiple dimensions despite macroeconomic headwinds.

  • Opportunity

    We’re focused on farms up to $25M, representing ~70% of the overall market and a segment generally avoided by large managers.

Competitive Advantages

  • Off-Market Opportunities

    Our investment team has expertise in and deep access to off-market opportunities in permanent crops.

  • Co-Location Value

    Our proprietary technology, Terra, allows us to both automatically filter properties while utilizing clustering algorithms to build portfolios around existing properties, thereby building co-location efficiencies and value with operating partners.

  • Robust Network

    Our asset management team has a robust network of best-in-class operators with expertise in specific commodities and geographies.

FarmTogether's managed portfolio is diversified across geography, commodity, deal structure, and investment strategy.

  • $200M+


  • 50


  • 6.9K+


  • 8


  • 15


1031 Exchanges in Farmland

Our 1031 Exchange Program enables investors to either swap one investment property with farmland—a like-kind replacement property—or invest in a real property interest to enable tax savings at the time of sale.

Learn more

Sustainability at FarmTogether

Acreage Breakdown
  • Regenerative
    4,348 acres
  • Other
    1,601 acres
  • Organic & Lodi Rules Certified
    671 acres
  • 100%

    Vineyards certified under Lodi Rules

  • 66%

    Incorporating one or more principles of regenerative agriculture

  • 100%

    Utilizing precision agriculture

  • 7%

    Compliant with EFI agriculture assurance standards

  • 8%

    Certified organic or transitioning to organic

  • 100%

    California farms enrolled or being enrolled in energy efficiency programs

Leading Harvest logo

FarmTogether is a member of Leading Harvest, an innovative nonprofit organization and industry leader in sustainability. FarmTogether’s agricultural operations have been certified as in conformance with the Leading Harvest Farmland Management Standard. Please see our Certification Documents.

Certification Documents

Personalized, Diversified Farmland Portfolios

Learn more about FarmTogether’s separately managed accounts (SMAs).

FarmTogether Portfolio

Our firm’s operations and infrastructure are built to manage investors and properties at scale across the United States7.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Begin?

Schedule an introductory call with one of our investment professionals to begin the process of sourcing a property that meets your needs. Looking to learn more about FarmTogether first? Check out Why FarmTogether.